Aquila was a Jewish tentmaker or tent repairer, or even possibly a craftsman of leather goods, like Paul. All Jews, even rabbis, were taught a trade so that they would not take money for their teaching. Aquila's wife, Priscilla or Prisca, is listed first four times out of the six that they are mentioned (cf. Acts 18:2,18,26; Rom. 16:3; 1 Cor. 16:19; 2 Tim. 4:19). Many have noticed that her name was a Roman noble name (gens Prisca). Since she is mentioned first, which is highly unusual for Jewish people, many have seen in them a great love story of a wealthy Roman lady and an itinerant Jewish tentmaker!

We first meet Aquila in Rome where, even though a believer, he attended a synagogue (i.e., a Jew from Pontus, cf. Acts 18:2). He had to relocate because Emperor Claudius prevented all Jewish rituals in Rome in A.D. 49. He and his wife, Prisca, moved to Corinth where they met Paul. Apparently Aquila had a tent-making/repairing shop there. Paul worked with them.

After about eighteen months they moved to  Ephesus where they began a church in their home (1 Cor. 16:19).  They had a positive influence on the famous and eloquent preacher from Alexandria, Apollos (cf. Acts 18:24-28). They also "risked their own necks to save Paul's life (probably in Ephsus, cf. Rom. 16:4; also note 1 Cor. 15:32; 2 Cor. 1:8-9).

After the death of Claudius (A.D. 54), they returned to Rome, where they also had a church in their home (cf. Rom 16:3-5).

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